Friday, February 12, 2010

Military Going Away Cake Has George W. Bush Done Serious Harm To Our All-volunteer Army?

Has George W. Bush done serious harm to our all-volunteer army? - military going away cake

It must be true that the war in Iraq would be a cake.

Since it was not the case, we have serious problems to get enough qualified people to join the Army.

To the military is to have consideration its position that the Republican Party gives the army a more just society than the Democrats.

Meanwhile, the young people are afraid recruiting at a time when we are embroiled in a serious military conflict abroad.

For his mistakes in Iraq, not George W. Bush has done serious damage to our military?


NOXIN said...

/ /

The other day I'm wondering about. If we
famous man of the Mississippi Gulf even go
rather than the Neanderthal instinct, then
I would have or would have or not have
had a Carrera whether or when he returned.

Problem with troublemakers like me, do not care.
Yes, but not me.



James R said...

The man, his .... increadable

The United States has forgotten what happened September 11, 2001? and forgot that he has done for us and why? I think everyone, except George W. Freakin Bush!

Al-Qaeda attacked us ... Why? because we are Americans ....

Where Al-Qaeda is now? Oh, we're still in Iraq kills .... and the Democrats want us to leave, to resign, the group that win .... 9-11 because that is what will be seen as a victory for them, the terrorists .... instead of its ruling would hate us and want to kill us ... Wil they have more fans, more power and more determined to kill us .....

I think it is rather to have the press and that our military is hurt ... not the President.

inf_guy said...

We see less people who want to earn money for college, and nothing else to do with the military. Warriors in my mind, what was good in comparison to the Clinton years, where they are occupied by the military, is not true, but spent some time just to get a college fund and would not have been necessary if the bullets started fly. We have more shooters, not children, not warriors at heart.

Firearms Instructor Tygh Thompson said:
"Only a warrior can choose a pacifist ... everyone will be faced, ceteris paribus.

Too many "guilty" in our armed forces ... not now.

bruder said...

I like Bush, but people forget that he not only what the members of Congress and the Senate, so that you do that?

MikeGolf said...


The U.S. military has no problem attracting recruits. And the rate of re-recruitment is an all-time high.

People in the military is highly suspicious of the Democrats and talk to "retreat" as a betrayal of everything they sacrificed to achieve.

I guess I've never taken the trouble to the facts about what people think to check the army.

martinmm said...

Captain is only as good as those giving the orders.

wqfahuar said...

No, the Democrats, those who keep trying to do, too.

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